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R&S®FSUP Signal Source Analyzer
Категория - Анализаторы
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Phase noise tester, high-end spectrum and signal analyzer in a single boxKey Facts
- Frequency range up to 8 GHz, 26.5 GHz or 50 GHz (up to 110 GHz with external mixers)
- Maximum dynamic range through cross-correlation
- Analysis of settling in time domain
- Oscillator characterization
- Detection, suppression and listing of interference
- Maximum flexibility for phase noise measurements
- Low-noise source for supply and tuning voltages
- Analysis of signals with digital and analog modulation
Brief Description The R&S®FSUP is a highly flexible phase noise tester with versatile measurement capabilities that combines the scope of functions of a high-end signal and spectrum analyzer with the benefits of a phase-noise-only tester.
Features & Benefits
- Highly flexible phase noise tester with versatile measurement capabilities
- Phase detector method with internal/external reference
- Two-DUT method
- High sensitivity
- Automatic setting of all important parameters
- Easy operation
- Detection, suppression and listing of interference
- Measurement of reference points as a function of frequency
- Measurement of residual phase noise
- AM noise
- Maximum dynamic range through cross-correlation
- Sensitivity improved by up to 20 dB
- Cross-correlation up to 50 GHz in a single box
- Unique combination of phase noise tester and spectrum analyzer
- Measurement of phase noise using the spectrum analyzer method
- Typical spectrum measurements such as ACP or interference search
- Measurement of noise figure using the R&S®FSUP
- Analysis in the time domain
- Transient response of oscillators
- Characteristics at the push of a button
- Low-noise voltage source for supply and tuning voltages
- Complete characterization of oscillators
- Analysis of digital and analog modulated signals
- General vector signal analysis of digitally modulated signals
- Special analysis options for digital communications standards
- Analysis of analog modulated signals (AM/FM/?M)
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