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R&S®ZS4200 Service and Maintenance Tool
Категория - Дополнительные продукты
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For the R&S®Key Facts
- PC-based tool for radio setup, local maintenance and software download
- Plug & play connectivity to the radio via USB or via LAN-interface
- Setup and configuration as well as “cloning” of radio
- Read-out of radio status and event log, saving of event logs to local hard disk drive
Brief Description The R&S®Series4200 is the latest generation of VHF and UHF radios for use in civil or military air traffic control. For easy local setup of the R&S®Series4200 radios, a PC-based service and maintenance tool is available. The R&S®ZS4200 service and maintenance tool makes it possible to configure the radio via a graphical user interface or read the event messages stored in the radio. This tool is also used to download new software available for the R&S®Series4200. The service and maintenance tool consists of the software for the notebook PC needed for accessing the radio. After connecting the R&S®ZS4200 to the radio‘s USB port via cable, the user can browse through the current setup, change parameters, store the current configuration or retrieve a previously stored configuration. For local maintenance, the event log in the radio can be up loaded. It stores all relevant warnings, alarms and other events. Inventory information stored in the radio can be read out, giving a clear overview of the serial numbers of modules and their software/firmware versions. New software releases that become available for the radio can be down loaded using this tool. All data retrieved from the radio can be saved on the local drive of the service PC.
Features & Benefits
- Setup and configuration as well as “cloning” of radio
- Read-out of radio status and event log, saving of event logs to local hard disk drive
- Display of complete radio inventory, including hardware, firmware and software version, saving of data to local hard disk drive
- Download of software updates to the radio locally via USB or remotely via LAN interface
- Activation of radio software options (option keys)
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