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R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver
Категория - Радио оборудование
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Powerful and compactKey facts
- ITU-compliant measurements and applications for security authorities and organizations
- Wide frequency range: 8 kHz to 6 GHz (base unit: 20 MHz to 3.6 GHz)
- 20 MHz realtime bandwidth
- Numerous options to increase performance
- Various result displays
- Integration into customer-specific software packages from third-party suppliers thanks to open, documented, remote control interface and data formats
- Internal recording and replay of spectra and waterfall data (for receivers with front panel operation or for external R&S®EB500-GUI software)
- Map display with GPS position (for receivers with front panel operation or for external R&S®EB500-GUI software)
Brief description The R&S®EB500 monitoring receiver was specially developed for signal search, radiomonitoring, radio detection and spectrum monitoring in powerful, compact systems. Due to the receiver's compact size as well as its excellent performance and energy-saving design, it is the perfect tool for radiomonitoring applications. It performs ITU-compliant measurements and meets the requirements of security authorities and organizations. The receiver is ideal for both stationary and mobile/vehicular applications because it can be operated via the front panel or remotely controlled via LAN.
Features & Benefits
- Frequency range from 8 kHz to 6 GHz
- One monitoring receiver for “all” frequencies
- Base unit: 20 MHz to 3.6 GHz
- R&S®EB500-HF: option for HF signal reception from 8 kHz
- R&S®EB500-FE: option for SHF signal reception up to 6 GHz
- Same size, even with all frequency options installed (? 19 width, 3 HU)
- Integrated antenna switch
- Two separate inputs for HF (1) and HF/VHF/UHF/SHF (1)
- Automatic switching between antennas as a function of selected frequency, even during scanning
- Powerful preselection: large-signal immunity and high sensitivity
- Reliable protection against overloading due to strong signals
- Outstanding sensitivity due to high-gain preamplifier stage
- Ideal monitoring receiver with wide dynamic range for all signal scenarios
- Smooth operation, e.g. with a wideband receiving antenna (responsible for high total signal load at receiver input)
- FFT signal processing with 20 MHz realtime bandwidth
- Realtime spectrum for detecting pulsed or frequency agile signals
- FFT signal processing for fine frequency resolution and high sensitivity
- FPGA implementation for top processing speed with fine resolution and sensitivity
- Extremely fast spectral scan (panorama scan) across entire frequency range
- R&S®EB500-PS option: extremely fast FFT scan
- Fast spectrum overview at fine resolution bandwidth
- Optimal determination of frequency range of interest from an unknown starting position
- Waterfall diagram for examination of signal history
- Three-dimensional display of spectrum over frequency, time and color-coded signal level
- History mode function to stop the waterfall and display a previous spectrum
- Outstanding visual presentation of pulsed or frequency agile signals
- Settable time resolution of waterfall (speed)
- Recording of spectra and waterfall data and replay of results
- Recording of spectra and waterfall data, e.g. on a USB flash drive
- Replay of recorded content for detailed evaluation of signals contained in spectrum
- Identical receiver and parameter settings in recording and replay modes
- For receivers with front panel operation or for external R&S®EB500-GUI software
- Map display with GPS position
- Map display of current receiver location
- Selectable display of recorded results (e.g. spectra) relative to a position
- Map material based on OpenStreetMap (OSM)
- For receivers with front panel operation or for external R&S®EB500-GUI software
- Polychrome spectrum to distinguish superimposed, pulsed signals
- Display of time behavior (frequency of occurrence) of pulsed signals using color coding (for all realtime bandwidths)
- Settable occurrence frequency threshold
- Separate display of pulsed signals (superimposed in frequency, time and level)
- Video spectrum for display of subcarriers and transmission rates
- Spectrum display of demodulated signal
- Clear display of subcarriers, e.g. 19 kHz pilot tone
- Squared video spectrum to estimate the transmission rate (baud rate) of a digitally modulated signal
- Combination of spectral results and waterfall display
- Parallel signal processing of spectral path and demodulation path
- Two parallel signal processing paths for spectrum and demodulation
- Interference-free demodulation with parallel display of realtime spectrum and waterfall display
- Seamless I/Q baseband data stream for signal analysis
- Independent setting of bandwidth and center frequency
- Level measurements with “real” wideband detector
- Wideband level measurements up to 20 MHz bandwidth for sophisticated, digitally modulated signals
- Frequency scan and memory scan for audio demodulation on changing channels
- Frequency scan: continuous scanning of adjacent channels, automatic demodulation of channels where level exceeds squelch, e.g. in ATC band
- Memory scan: scanning of different radio services with variable step size and demodulation mode
- Convenient scanning for active signals and quick availability of audio content
- 3+1 receivers in one instrument
- R&S®EB500-DDC option: three additional demodulation channels
- Four software receivers in one instrument thanks to four demodulation channels (anywhere within realtime bandwidth)
- Output of demodulated data as separate data streams via LAN interface
- Ethernet interface for remote control and/or data transmission
- 1 Gbit Ethernet LAN interface for receiver remote control and result processing using Rohde & Schwarz system software (e.g. R&S®ARGUS 6.1, R&S®RAMON, R&S®CA100)
- Documented interface description for flexible programming and data processing, even with customerspecific software package
- Receiver remote control and data recording
- R&S®EB500-Control software package for receiver remote control via 1 Gbit LAN interface
- Documentation of results on a PC (e.g. spectra or audio content), also for replaying recorded data for offline analysis
- ITU-compliant measurements in the receiver
- R&S®EB500-IM option: ITU-compliant measurement of signal parameters for AM, FM and PM-modulated signals (e.g. modulation index, occupied bandwidth and phase deviation)
- Offline measurement of digitally modulated signals using the R&S®CA100IS software and suitable options (in line with ITU recommendation SM.1600)
- Detection of selective call services
- R&S®EB500-SL option: detection of audio-based selective calls and listing of received selective call standards
- Result filtering according to relevant standards
- DC operation (e.g. from vehicle battery)
- DC power supply (10 V to 32 V DC) of receiver
- Space-saving vehicle installation
- System time synchronization using NTP server
- Time and date synchronization using an NTP server for simultaneous control of multiple receivers in a networked system
- Easy comparison of measurement results received by different stations
- TDOA ready with high-accuracy timestamps and GPS synchronization of frequency and time
- R&S®EB5-EGT option: synchronization of receiver frequency and time using external GPS module
- High-accuracy timestamps in I/Q baseband data stream, ideal for use in TDOA systems
- Single-channel direction finder upgrade kit
- R&S®EB500-DF option: upgrade to single-channel direction finder
- Direction finding of signals in frequency range up to 6 GHz
- Reliable DF results even in difficult environments (e.g. urban areas with up to 50 % reflection)
- Parallel direction finding of all emissions within 20 MHz realtime bandwidth
- Documentation of calibration values
- R&S®EB500-DCV option: documentation of calibration values with calibration certificate from final production testing for a specific serial number
- Calibration label for instrument
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