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R&S®EMC32-K11 EMC Test Sequencer
Категория - Решения для тестирования
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Smart linking of EMC test sequencesKey Facts R&S®EMC32-K11 option adds even further automatic capabilities to theR&S®EMC32-EB and R&S®EMC32-S basic software packages by enabling them to perform smart linking of individual test sequences. A broad scope of individual measurements can be chained together in any manner required and then run as a sequence. At the beginning and end of each sequence and prior to each individual test, user-specific actions may be configured and executed automatically.
Features & Benefits Sequential test runs for higher degree of automation One of the most frequent requirements placed on EMC measurement software in EMC labs and test houses is the additional capability to perform a series of individual measurements automatically. This is the only way to get even more out of the existing infrastructure and to achieve continued profitability as the competition becomes ever tougher. Test plans for different categories of EUTs The use of test plans as shown with the R&S®EMC32-K11 test sequencer facilitates the further standardization of test runs in the lab and helps to improve the quality of work and to avoid errors. The test sequence is easily created from individual tests and configured. Before the sequence is run, individual tests can be dropped or selected for repetition. Test sequence flow control can be carried out fully automatically or interactively. Since the test sequencer is integrated into the virtual instrument operating concept of R&S®EMC32, the user has an overview of the current measurement result, the system settings and the test sequence progress at all times. Individual and comprehensive reports in line with customer requirements During a test sequence, reports for individual measurements as well as a comprehensive report of the sequence can be automatically generated.''
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