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R&S®EMC32-K21 Application Interface
Категория - Решения для тестирования
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Automation of additional measurement tasksKey Facts Development labs often have to carry out measurements in addition to the actual EMC measurements. In most cases the T & M equipment necessary for these measurements is already integrated in the EMC test system. The R&S®EMC32-K21 software option makes it possible to automate these measurements with little effort, increasing the efficiency and reproducibility of the test run.
Features & Benefits
- Consistent operation and management of test templates The integration of the application interface into the R&S®EMC32 environment ensures consistent operation for managing the test templates, the test run and the test results in the EUT-specific data structure. As a result, the performance and documentation of these supplementary test sequences can also be standardized.
- Intuitive macro language for test sequence control For the creation of program sequences, the software option contains everything that is needed for performing these routine measurements:
- Communications via the GPIB bus for remote-controlling measuring equipment and for the R&S®CMU200 communications analyzer with its dynamic address management
- Interactive user dialogs
- Conditions and loops for sequence control
- Mathematical operations
- Call of subprograms
- Easy integration into the test sequence The created test macros are available as test templates in the R&S®EMC32 file structure, allowing these tests to be performed analogously to the EMC measurements. The R&S®EMC32-K11 option (EMC test sequencer) makes it possible to perform tests also together with EMC measurements.
- Versatile use The macro language allows a wide range of use in electrical engineering. Typical applications include the following:
- Measurement of the band occupancy of Bluetooth® or other wireless communications standards
- Monitoring of the transmission signal with a spectrum analyzer in Max Hold mode
- Analysis of the occupied band on the spectrum analyzer
- Total harmonic distortion (THD) measurements on FM receivers of mobile phones simultaneously with the operation of GSM or UMTS transmitters
- Setup of communications
- Measurement of the audio signal using an audio analyzer
- Measurement of additional EUT and environmental parameters
- Measurement and documentation of temperature and humidity before, during and after the EMC measurement
- Recording and documentation of the EUT setup, e.g. via barcode
- Monitoring of battery charge status during automotive EMC measurements
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